Sunday, 5 June 2011

How to change back to profile 1.0 'cause I dont like 2.0?

This is a myspace question, okay so I click go back and it%26#039;s giving me a option to start from scratch but it%26#039;s starting from scratch on the whole profile 2.0! It%26#039;s not bringing back to 1.0 I also just made this account so can anyone give me some help?|||Step 1 to switch back:

Go to Manage Blogs and Post a new blog. You can enter anything (like %26quot;test%26quot;) in the blog Subject and blog Body. Then click Preview %26amp; Post.

Step 2:

After submitting this %26quot;test%26quot; blog go directly to Customize Profile. There should be a %26#039;go back%26#039; button on the top right of the page.

Step 3:

Click %26#039;go back%26#039;. Then it will say %26#039;start from scratch%26#039; OR %26#039;switch to Profile 1.0%26#039;. Click %26#039;switch to Profile 1.0.|||:) i just figured this out... you go to profile and click custmize profile and then you will know from there! :)