doese any body know how to change a myspace profile from 2.0 back to 1.0.
How do i change my myspace profile back to 1.0?
Profile %26gt; Customize Profile %26gt; on the top it says: (arrow) Go Back to Profile 1.0 %26gt; CLICKKKITT!!
if it doesn't do anything, you've probably used 2.0 for more than 90 days (or 120 or whateverrrr) and you can't change back.
How do i change my myspace profile back to 1.0?
How can you switch back to Profile 1.0?
If you've upgraded to 2.0 and you wish to return to profile 1.0, you can switch back for up to 7 days.
One important caveat: If you signed up for MySpace after April 1, 2009, you are automatically using profile 2.0, which offers advanced design and privacy functions. You cannot switch to profile 1.0.
To switch back to 1.0, here's what you do:
1.log into MySpace
2.mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Customize Profile (from the drop-down menu)
3.if you're using profile 2.0, you'll see Profile 2.0 - Customize Profile (on the top left corner of the page) and Go Back to Profile 1.0 (on the top right corner of the page, just left of Control Panel) Go Back to Profile 1.0 and choose whether you want to redesign your entire 2.0 Profile from scratch or Switch to Profile 1.0 (on the pop-up) Confirm and you're done!
If you signed up for MySpace after April 1, 2009, your only option in the pop-up will be to Start from scratch, or you can x out to return to the Customize Profile page.
P.S. Hey, if you change your mind, you can always follow the same steps and Upgrade to 2.0 (and back again).
There is no way to switch back to a 1.0 profile. Myspace fixed the glitch that was allowing people to switch it. Sucks huh? Sorry bout your luck.